City of Baltimore
Charter of Baltimore City

§ (25). Pensions for school cafeteria employees.

To grant to any and all persons regularly employed in, or associated with, any cafeteria system or department operated in connection with the public school system of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, such of the benefits and advantages of the Employees' Retirement System of the City of Baltimore, established by Ordinance No. 553, approved February 1, 1926, and amendments thereto, as the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore may by ordinance provide, except that the Retirement System shall not be liable for the payment of any pensions or other benefits on account of said persons, for which reserves have not been previously created from funds contributed specifically for such benefits by the City or said persons.

Provided, that any ordinance passed under authority of this paragraph may provide that every such person shall be entitled to credit for all service rendered prior to January 1, 1926, and for one half of all service rendered between January 1, 1926, and the date of admission to the said Employees' Retirement System; provided, further, that any ordinance passed under authority hereof shall provide that any such person who shall become employed in, or associated with, any such cafeteria system or department after the passage of said ordinance shall, before becoming a member of the said Employees' Retirement System of the City of Baltimore, first submit to a medical examination similar to that required for employees in the Classified Service of the City of Baltimore.