§ (42). Traffic.
(a) Traffic Commission.
To create a Traffic Commission and prescribe its powers and duties, including the right to transfer to said Commission the powers and duties now exercised and performed by the Traffic Bureau of the Police Department of the City.
(b) Personnel transfer.
To provide by ordinance for the transfer of the personnel, including the Traffic Engineer of the Traffic Bureau of the Police Department, but such transfer shall not operate to deprive the employees so transferred of any rights they may have in the Special Fund or Special Fund for Widows of the Police Department. Any employee so transferred may, however, elect to become a member of the Employees' Retirement System of Baltimore City, under such rules and regulations as the Trustees of said Employees' Retirement System shall provide, including the right of withdrawal of his contributions to either or both of said Special Police Funds and depositing the same with the Employees' Retirement System; and any employee so electing to become a member of the Employees' Retirement System shall thereafter have no further rights in said Special Police Funds. Any employee so transferred who elects not to become a member of the Employees' Retirement System shall be entitled to pensions, benefits or allowances for himself, his widow or dependents under the laws or ordinances in force immediately before the adoption of such ordinance.
(c) Classification of positions.
The ordinance providing for said transfer shall contain a provision authorizing and directing the Civil Service Commission to classify all positions so transferred and all persons so transferred shall be included in the new classifications of their respective positions without examination and without any reduction in pay.
(d) Transferred members of Special Funds.
Employees of the present Department of Transit and Traffic who were transferred from the Traffic Bureau of the Police Department in 1951, and who are members of either the Special Fund or Special Fund for Widows of the Police Department, shall continue to be assessed 2% for each fund, based on their current salaries, which will include pay increases and changes in classification subsequent to their transfer in 1951, and shall be pensioned in accordance with the scale observed by the Police Department for members of the two special funds.
When future general pay increases are granted and salaries of members of the Police Department and pensioned employees are raised in proportion, all employees of the Department of Transit and Traffic who were members of the special funds and who are pensioned under their provisions, shall be granted raises in their pension payments in the same proportion as those pensioned from the Police Department.