City of Baltimore
Charter of Baltimore City

§ 100. Civil Service Commission: Discharges, etc.; Reductions in force.

(a) Discharges, suspensions, reductions in pay or position.

(1) No person may be discharged from the Civil Service, reduced in pay or position, or suspended because of political opinions or affiliations, or for refusing to contribute to any political fund or refusing to render any political service. But nothing in this Charter relating to the Civil Service forbids the discharge, reduction in pay or position, or suspension of an officer or employee for any just cause.

(2) Whenever a non-probationary employee is discharged, reduced in pay or position, or suspended for more than 30 days, the appointing officer shall furnish a copy of the order of discharge, reduction, or suspension, together with a statement of the reasons for the action, to the employee and to the Commission.

(3) The employee may contest the action by:

(i) requesting a hearing before the Commission; or

(ii) initiating a grievance pursuant to an applicable grievance and arbitration procedure, if any, contained in an applicable collective bargaining agreement.

(4) Once an employee has chosen to contest an action by electing one of the procedures specified in paragraph (3) of this subsection, the employee is bound by that election and may not subsequently choose to follow a different procedure.

(5) In all cases, except one in which an employee elects to contest an action through a grievance and arbitration procedure under paragraph (3)(ii) of this subsection, the Commission may, and on the written request of the employee, the Commission shall investigate the disciplinary action. If the Commission finds that the intent and spirit of the provisions of this Charter have been violated in the discharge, reduction, or suspension, it shall report its findings to the Mayor; and the appointing officer shall take whatever action the Commission directs to rectify the violation.

(b) Reductions in force – Reemployment preference.

Each person discharged for the purpose of reducing the force and without fault shall receive a certificate so stating and all persons so discharged shall be placed on the eligible list in the order of the length of their service in their classifications at the time of being laid off and in other classifications the civil service in which they may have served previously. The weight to be given to length of service in their last classification and in prior classifications shall be determined in accordance with the rules of the Commission. Persons so discharged shall have preference in the order of their seniority over others on the eligible list, subject, however, to the terms of the next subsection and to any priority to which any person may be entitled by virtue of any preference to veterans or their dependents.

(c) Reductions in force – Seasonal and part-time employees.

In the case of classes of seasonal or part-time employees the Commission, after notice and a public hearing, may adopt rules excluding them from, or limiting the application to them of, the preference contained in the preceding subsection.