§ 12. Department of Finance: Collections, deposits, withdrawals, etc.
(a) In general.
The Director shall receive, collect, and account for all moneys due the City and deposit these moneys in depositories selected by the Board of Finance.
(b) Withdrawals.
The Director shall approve the withdrawal of City moneys from their depositories for the purpose of paying salaries or other compensation earned by municipal officers or employees of the City.
(c) Required signatures for checks.
(1) In general.
Unless otherwise provided by this Charter or City law, all checks of the City made by the City and related to salary or compensation earned by municipal officers or employees of the City shall be signed by the Director or Deputy Director, and counter-signed by the Mayor, and by a person in the Department of Finance designated by the Director to sign as disbursing officer; such designation shall be made in writing by the Director and filed with all banks on which such checks are drawn. Any signature on checks of the City may be manual or facsimile.
(2) Form of signature.
Any signature on checks of the City may be manual fascimile.
(d) Local and state taxes.
(1) Collection of taxes.
In addition to collecting all taxes and assessments levied or made by the City, the Director shall collect such State taxes and perform such other duties for the State as may be prescribed by law. The salary provided the Director in the Ordinance of Estimates shall include compensation for collecting State taxes and such other duties as the Director may perform for the State.
(2) Tax bills.
After the levy of the full rate property tax has been made, the Director shall prepare the tax bills and shall have them ready for payment by the taxpayers on the first day of the fiscal year for which the levy is made or as soon thereafter as is possible. To encourage the payment of taxes prior to the date on which they become in arrears, the Department shall allow such discounts upon payment prior to such date as may be provided by law.
(e) {Repealed by Res. 00-010, ratified November 2000.}