§ 145. Department: Powers and duties.
(a) Purpose.
The purpose of the Department is to:
(1) safeguard the lives and safety of all individuals within the City;
(2) protect property within the City; and
(3) assist in securing to all individuals the equal protection of the law.
(b) Powers.
The Department shall have, within the boundaries of the City, the power to:
(1) maintain the orderly flow of traffic in the public right of way; and
(2) assist law enforcement agencies of:
(i) the State; and
(ii) any official unit of federal, tribal, state, or local government within the United States.
(c) Duties.
The Department shall have, within the boundaries of the City, the specific duty and responsibility to:
(1) preserve the public peace;
(2) detect and prevent the commission of crime;
(3) enforce the laws of:
(i) the State; and
(ii) the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore;
(4) apprehend and arrest individuals who violate or are lawfully accused of violating the law;
(5) preserve order at public places; and
(6) discharge its duties and responsibilities with dignity and in a manner that will inspire public confidence and respect.
(d) Duties: Outside the City.
(1) In general.
The Department shall perform the duties set forth in subsection (b) of this section within those areas outside the corporate limits of the City which are, from time to time, owned, controlled, operated, or leased by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore or any unit of City government.
(2) Concurrent jurisdiction.
In those areas described in paragraph (1) of this subsection:
(i) the authority and duties of the Department shall be concurrent with that of any police department or police agency in the jurisdiction in which such areas are located; and
(ii) nothing contained herein shall limit or adversely affect the jurisdiction and authority of any police department or police agency in the jurisdiction in which such areas are located.