City of Baltimore
Charter of Baltimore City

§ 147. Redistricting.

(a) Commissioner to prepare plan for reallocation of boundaries.

To ensure that the resources of the Department are efficiently allocated, following each decennial census of the United States the Commissioner shall prepare and submit a police district redistricting plan to the Mayor within 1 year from the publication of decennial census data for the reallocation of police district boundaries.

(b) Action by the Mayor.

Within 90 days of receipt of a police district redistricting plan from the Commissioner under subsection (a) of this section and after public hearings the Mayor shall submit a police district redistricting plan for the reallocation of police district boundaries to the City Council for adoption as a resolution of the Mayor and City Council.

(c) Action by the City Council.

The police district redistricting plan, as it may be amended by the City Council, must be approved by resolution of the Mayor and City Council within 180 days from the date the plan is introduced on the Council floor.