§ 3. General provisions: Bureaus and divisions.
(a) Establishment or abolishment.
(1) With the approval of the Board of Estimates, the City Administrator may establish and abolish bureaus and divisions within that {any municipal} department, commission, or board {(except as otherwise provided for the Department of Public Works)}.
(2) Bureaus in the Department of Public Works shall be established or abolished from time to time by an ordinance which shall have been recommended to the City Council by the Board of Estimates and shall have been duly passed by the City Council by a majority vote of its members and shall have been approved by the Mayor.
(b) Allocation of powers and duties.
Subject to the authority of the Board of Estimates, the City Administrator or the head of any department, commission, or board may assign among the bureaus or divisions in that department, commission, or board, duties and powers of that department, commission, or board. A board or commission may act under this subsection only by the majority vote of its membership.