City of Baltimore
Charter of Baltimore City

§ 72. Department of Planning: Commission – Powers and duties.

The Planning Commission:

(a) shall adopt rules and regulations to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Department.

(b) shall meet regularly as the Commission may determine, and hold special meetings at the call of the President or upon the written request of three members.

(c) shall hold hearings at the Commission's discretion or upon the written request of any member of the City Council.

(d) may, at its hearings, administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses.

(e) shall keep minutes of its proceedings and maintain a public record of its decisions, showing the vote of each member.

(f) shall investigate and study land uses, the development of subdivisions of land, and zoning within the City of Baltimore.

(g) shall adopt and revise a master plan for the proposed physical development of Baltimore City.

(h) before adopting or revising the master plan, shall hold a public hearing, reasonable notice of which shall be given in the neighborhood of the properties affected and by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in Baltimore City.

(i) shall consider, and may approve, if they are consistent with the master plan, among other things:

1. development plans

2. an enterprise or public or private improvement that requires a permit

3. urban renewal plans

4. plans for the subdivision and consolidation of public and private parcels of land.

(j) shall submit for the consideration of the Board of Estimates a recommended capital budget for inclusion in the Ordinance of Estimates, a recommended long-range capital improvement program, and a report explaining both, all of which shall be made public.

(k) shall issue a report and recommendation, which shall state the nature of the investigation made by the Commission, whether hearings were held thereon, reasons for the recommendation, and the number of members voting for or against it:

1. on every proposed amendment to the Baltimore City Zoning Ordinance referred to it; and

2. on the creation of, and proposed amendments to, an urban renewal plan.

(l) may report and submit to the City Council amendments to the Baltimore City Zoning Ordinance. Any such amendment shall be submitted only by resolution, adopted by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the entire membership of the Commission.

(m) shall have reasonable access, through its agents and employees, to the plats and records of all other municipal agencies of the City and, subject to the approval of the Board of Estimates, may require the assistance of any other municipal agency of the City.

(n) may take such other actions, subject to the provisions of this Charter and law, that it deems necessary and appropriate to assure that development is well-planned, efficiently coordinated by the City, and consistent with the health, order, security, safety and morals of the inhabitants of Baltimore City, as well as the aesthetic and natural environment of the City.