§ 74. Department of Planning: Master Plan.
(a) Purpose.
The Master Plan shall be made for the general purpose of guiding and accomplishing a coordinated, adjusted and harmonious development of Baltimore City to promote the health, order, security, safety, and morals of its inhabitants, and to preserve and enhance the aesthetic and natural environment of the City.
(b) Scope.
The Master Plan may consist of a series of component plans.
It shall show, among other things, the future general location and extent of all public improvements and enterprises, including among other things, the general location and extent of streets, highways, boulevards, viaducts, bridges, subways, tunnels and all uses of land for purposes of public transportation, and also the general location and extent of piers, wharves, docks and bulkheads, and buildings or structures thereon, whether publicly or privately owned or operated, and also the general location and extent of publicly owned places of recreation, such as playgrounds, squares, and parks, and all public buildings and other public property, including school buildings, and all existing and proposed zoning areas or districts, and all public utilities, services and terminals, such as water, gas, electricity, sewerage, telephone, telegraph and transportation, whether privately or publicly owned or operated.
(c) Revisions.
After the adoption of the Master Plan, or any part thereof, by the Commission, the plan may be revised only by a resolution of the Commission, carried by the affirmative vote of not less than six members of the Commission, or by ordinance adopted by the City Council by the affirmative vote of not less than three-fourths of its members.
An original copy of the revision, duly signed by the President, or by the Mayor if made by ordinance, shall be filed with the Department of Legislative Reference.
(d) Conformity with Plan required.
No public improvement or enterprise, including, among other things, streets, highways, boulevards, viaducts, bridges, subways, tunnels or other uses of land for purposes of public transportation, and piers, wharves, docks, and bulkheads, and buildings or structures thereon, whether publicly or privately owned or operated, and publicly owned places of recreation, such as playgrounds, squares or parks, and public buildings, including school buildings, and public utilities, services or terminals, including gas, water, electricity, sewerage, telephone, telegraph or transportation, whether privately or publicly owned or operated, within the scope of the Master Plan shall be authorized or constructed in Baltimore City unless the location and grade thereof and, in cases of the use of land for purposes of transportation, the width thereof, shall be in conformity with the Master Plan and have been first approved by the Commission.