City of Baltimore
Charter of Baltimore City

§ 97. Civil Service Commission: Department of Human Resources – Powers and duties.

The Department:

(a) shall propose and submit to the Commission for final approval rules and regulations, including rules and regulations governing probationary status, temporary and emergency appointments, classifications, reclassifications, examinations, promotions, demotions, transfers, reinstatements, discharges, and other discipline of employees.

(b) shall propose and submit to the Commission for final approval the different classifications that are used by the Department. Such classifications shall assure that City employees are hired and promoted based on ability, efficiency, character, and industry ("merit"); and shall encourage the recruitment, training and supervision of qualified employees. Classifications may be grouped into categories, which may include a general category for employees who are hired or promoted based, in part, on the results of competitive or non-competitive examinations; a labor category for unskilled or skilled laborers; and other categories that the Commission may deem to be appropriate.

(c) subject to the exceptions in Section 99, shall assign to a classification each position in the City to which appointments are made. The Department shall not assign a position outside of the Civil Service without the approval of the Civil Service Commission. All the classified positions shall constitute the Civil Service, and appointments to positions in the Civil Service shall be made according to the rules of the Commission.

(d) shall provide for competitive examinations, non-competitive examinations, and other evaluative measures to assure that City employees are hired based on merit.

(e) shall provide for competitive examinations, non-competitive examinations, and other evaluative measures, including conduct in office, demonstrated capacity, and seniority, to assure that City employees are promoted based on merit.

(f) shall promptly certify to appointing officers lists of candidates eligible for employment within each classification. The Commission, by rule:

1. shall determine when certifications shall include, in rank order, those persons who have performed best on competitive examinations and when certifications should include persons whose fitness has been otherwise established;

2. shall determine when and how the appointing officer shall fill a vacancy or new position from the certifications; and

3. may provide that honorably discharged veterans of war, including disabled veterans, may receive special credits for their service to the United States in determining the qualifications and relative standing of applicants for City positions.

(g) shall establish a period of probation not exceeding one year during which the appointing officer may remove the employee at pleasure.

(h) shall propose to the Board of Estimates appropriate salaries and wages for each classification.

(i) shall, in conjunction with the employing department, recruit, train and counsel Civil Service members.

(j) may appoint such employees as provided in the Ordinance of Estimates.

(k) shall administer employee benefits and pre-employment screening programs as directed by the Board of Estimates.