§ 3. Office of Inspector General: The Inspector General.
(a) Qualifications.
(1) The Inspector General shall be appointed without regard to political affiliation and must have substantial experience in auditing, financial analysis, criminal justice law, management analysis, public administration, investigations, or another appropriate field.
(2) The Inspector General shall hold at the time of appointment, or be required to obtain within 7 months after appointment, certification as a Certified Inspector General.
(b) Term.
The Inspector General shall serve a term of 6 years commencing from the date of appointment.
(c) Removal.
The Inspector General may be removed from office by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the advisory board for:
(1) misconduct in office;
(2) persistent failure to perform the duties of office; or
(3) conduct prejudicial to the proper administration of justice.
(d) Reports concerning a vacancy or incapacity.
Whenever the Office of the Inspector general remains vacant for 180 days, or whenever the Inspector General is incapacitated or otherwise unable to perform the duties of the office for 180 days, the Chair of the advisory board shall issue a report to the City Council on the 180th day, and every 2 months thereafter until the vacancy is filled or the Inspector General reports to work, describing the status of the efforts to fill the vacancy or the status of the Absent Inspector General.
(e) Performance review.
The advisory board shall meet at least once annually to review the performance of the Inspector General.