City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 1-3. Ordinances and resolutions.

(a) Form and procedure.

(1) General.

Every ordinance and resolution of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, when delivered to the Mayor for approval, duly authenticated as required by Article IV, § 5 of the City Charter, shall have indicated on it the date of each reading.

(2) Ordinance requiring publication.

If the ordinance is one requiring publication of notice, the Chief Clerk shall attach a certificate from the publisher of each newspaper in which notice was published, stating the number of times and the dates when the notice was published, which certification shall have pasted on it a printed copy of the notice so published.

(b) Legalization.

(1) The volumes of "Ordinances and Resolutions of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore" published annually are legalized. They shall be deemed and taken by all public officials to be evidence of the ordinances contained in them.

(2) Individually printed and attested ordinances and resolutions:

(i) may be produced and offered in evidence in any suit pending in court; and

(ii) when so produced and offered in evidence, have the same effect, to all intents and purposes, as the printed volumes containing them would have when published.