§ 10-1. Definitions.
(a) In general.
In this subtitle, the following terms have the meanings indicated.
(b) Agency.
"Agency" means any department, board, commission, council, authority, committee, office, or other unit of City government in either the executive or legislative branches, including all elected officials.
(c) {Repealed}
(d) Non-permanent record.
(1) In general.
"Non-permanent record" means a public record with temporary value that may be destroyed after the passage of a specified period of time.
(2) Inclusions.
"Non-permanent record" includes:
(i) extra copies of documents that:
(A) have no separate administrative purpose or value; and
(B) are preserved only for convenience or reference;
(ii) informational copies of correspondence, directives, forms, or other similar documents on which no administrative action is recorded or taken;
(iii) library and museum materials made or acquired for reference or exhibition purposes;
(iv) personal papers or papers of a private or non-official character that pertain to an individual's private affairs;
(v) duplicate copies of documents maintained in the same file;
(vi) extra copies of printed or processed materials for which complete record sets exists, including current and superceded manuals maintained outside the agency responsible for maintaining the manual;
(vii) catalogs, trade journals, and other publications received from government agencies, commercial firms, or private institutions that require no further action by the agency; or
(viii) physical exhibits, artifacts, and other material objects lacking evidential value.
(e) Record.
(1) In general.
"Record" means any documentary material in any form created or received by an agency in connection with the transaction of public business.
(2) Inclusions.
"Record" includes:
(i) written materials, email, books, photographs, photocopies, publications, forms, microfilms, tapes, computerized records, maps, drawings, and other materials in any format;
(ii) data generated, stored, received, or communicated by electronic means for use by, or storage in, an information system or for transmission from one information system to another; and
(iii) non-permanent records.
(f) Record inventory.
"Record inventory" means a survey of all records series maintained by an agency resulting in a detailed, itemized compilation of the records in the possession of that agency.
(g) Retention period.
"Retention period" means the period of time that a record must be retained in accordance with an approved Records Retention and Disposition Schedule.
(h) State Archivist.
"State Archivist" means the individual appointed under Maryland State Government Article, § 9-1005, or that individual's designee.