City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 10-6. City Records Management Officer: Duties.

(a) In general.

The City Records Management Officer shall direct the development and administration of a continuing records management, archival, and disposal program for the records of all City agencies.

(b) Specific duties.

The City Records Management Officer must:

(1) establish standards, procedures, and techniques for the effective management of City records;

(2) prepare, for the approval of the State Archivist, Record Retention and Disposition Schedules providing for:

(i) the retention of City and agency records of continuing value for a specific retention period;

(ii) the orderly disposal of City and agency records no longer possessing sufficient administrative, legal, fiscal, or historical value to warrant further preservation; and

(iii) the identification and preservation of records no longer needed by an agency that are of historical significance;

(3) review all proposals for the digitization of records, whether or not the ultimate destruction of the original record is involved;

(4) assist agency heads in the preparation of agency record inventories;

(5) periodically inspect records and records management practices of agencies; and

(6) organize and administer a City records storage center or centers for the City's inactive and historical records.

(c) Rules and regulations.

Subject to Title 4 {"Administrative Procedure Act – Regulations"} of the City General Provisions Article, the City Records Management Officer must adopt rules and regulations to carry out this subtitle.