§ 13-2. Powers of Director.
(a) In general.
The Convention Complex Director shall have the following powers, which may be delegated by him to the Convention Center Manager or the Baltimore Arena Manager:
(1) with the prior approval of the Board of Estimates, to contract with consulting, planning, or designing engineers or architects, advertising or promotional agencies, and any other persons possessing technical or specialized skills in connection with the requirements of the Convention Center or Baltimore Arena;
(2) within a framework submitted to and approved by the Board of Estimates, to establish fees, rentals, or charges for the use or occupancy of the Convention Center and Baltimore Arena, or any part thereof, and to collect such fees, rentals, or charges; all such collections shall be remitted to the Director of Finance of Baltimore City;
(3) to adopt, promulgate, and enforce rules and regulations for the management, use, occupancy, government, and preservation of order with respect to all land, property, facilities, and activities under his supervision or control, and a copy of all such rules and regulations shall be effective 10 days after they are filed with the Department of Legislative Reference of Baltimore; and any and all rules and regulations previously adopted by the Civic Center Commission shall remain in force and effect until superseding rules and regulations are adopted and promulgated by the Convention Complex Director; and
(4) to do any and all things necessary, proper, or expedient relative to or in connection with the use, occupancy, control, operation, management, promotion, maintenance, and repair of the Convention Center and Baltimore Arena.
(b) Penalties for violating rule or regulation.
Every person who violates any such rules or regulations so adopted or promulgated shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof in any court of competent jurisdiction, shall be fined not more than $500 for each and every offense or imprisonment for not more than 12 months.