City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 23-6. Duties.

The Commission shall:

(1) assist in the development of a transition plan for the City of Baltimore to address community access to facilities, open spaces, and communications, and advise the Mayor on the implementation of the plan by January 26, 1995;

(2) assist in the identification and evaluation of all City programs and services that impact the major life activities of persons with disabilities;

(3) recommend modification of services or new services for persons with disabilities;

(4) research, assemble, analyze and disseminate pertinent data and educational materials relating to activities and programs which will assist in meeting the needs of persons with disabilities;

(5) work to eliminate discrimination of persons with disabilities;

(6) in consultation with the Division of Occupational Medicine and the Community Relations Commission, institute and conduct educational programs, meetings, and conferences designed to promote equal rights and opportunities for persons with disabilities;

(7) cooperate with interested citizens, general community, business, professional, technical, educational, and civic organizations in furthering the interests of persons with disabilities;

(8) work jointly with other jurisdictions on conducting similar activities;

(9) work to remove inequalities due to unmet needs or discrimination on the basis of disability in the areas of housing, recreation, employment, education, community services, and related matters;

(10) cooperate and collaborate with all municipal agencies, including the Division of Occupational Medicine and the Community Relations Commission, to avoid duplication of efforts;

(11) provide information to the residents of the City, the Mayor's Office, the City Council, and various offices of the city, state, and federal government on matters involving the needs of persons with disabilities;

(12) recommend programs or legislation as necessary to promote and insure equal rights and opportunities for all persons with disabilities;

(13) work to assure that information and referral needs are met and that information about City programs is disseminated;

(14) hold a public forum at least yearly to give persons with disabilities an opportunity to voice their concerns;

(15) work to assure the development of an effective delivery system of public, private, and consumer resources to all persons with disabilities;

(16) assist the Director of the Commission with regard to inquiries, complaints, and other problems with City services for persons with disabilities;

(17) assist in the coordination of state and federal programs and services available to the City, business, and industry; and

(18) provide other advice as requested by the Mayor, City Council, and municipal agencies.