City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 31-2. Occupational Medical Service – duties.

The Occupational Medical Service shall:

(1) establish medical procedures and standards at all City medical facilities for employees and assure conformity with such procedures and standards;

(2) examine and treat patients at a central medical services clinic;

(3) monitor the quality of medical treatments for all City employees;

(4) investigate and evaluate all City employee safety and health hazards, including but not limited to toxic materials, and establish programs to eliminate and reduce hazards;

(5) evaluate medical cases of patients, including employees with disability claims, at all City medical facilities and recommend upon their disposition;

(6) cooperate with and assist the Law Department and other City agencies involved in Workers' Compensation Commission claims and disability retirement claims and matters relative thereto, improving all types of claims management and loss control;

(7) develop and maintain programs for controlling sick leave, substance abuse, and disability of all City employees and for monitoring and reducing absenteeism;

(8) cooperate with public health agencies in improving the quality of occupational medicine;

(9) maintain a system of uniform medical records; and

(10) develop and maintain programs to enhance the professional education of all employees involved in occupational medicine.