City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 34-12. Director's powers and duties – Rules and regulations.

(a) In general.

Subject to Title 4 {"Administrative Procedure Act – Regulations"} of the City General Provisions Article, the Director may adopt rules and regulations to carry out this subtitle.

(b) Scope.

These rules and regulations shall require transparency and community-based public participation mechanisms to provide input to and track the progress of the City's development and implementation of City policies that make all City operations achieve:

(1) by January 1, 2025, a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 2007 levels;

(2) by January 1, 2030, a 60% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 2007 levels; and

(3) by January 1, 2045, net-zero emissions, as defined in § 34-1(f) of this subtitle.