§ 35-2. City Seal - custody; fees.
(a) Director of Finance to keep.
The Director of Finance shall take under his charge and keeping the Corporate Seal of the City, and use it in all cases which now are or may hereafter be required, either by the laws of the United States, the several States, the ordinances of this corporation, or the usage and customs of nations, whenever applied to for that purpose.
(b) Fees.
(1) And for each and every seal which he shall affix to an instrument or instruments of writing, he shall be entitled to receive for the use of the City, the sum of $2.
(2) Except that in cases where the certificate of the Director of Finance under seal shall be required to be used as evidence in the claims of soldiers and seamen in the United States service, or in the claims of the widows or heirs of such as may have died, or may hereafter die in the service, he shall furnish such certificate without any charge whatever.