City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 38-2. Findings; Legislative intent.

(a) Findings of fact.

(1) In adopting this subtitle, the Mayor and City Council make the findings contained in this subsection.

(2) Many residents of Baltimore City are unable to obtain a government-issued identification essential to full participation in Baltimore's diverse society. This barrier leaves thousands of individuals – including immigrants, homeless people, transgender people, senior citizens, young people, and formerly incarcerated people – without access to critical services, benefits, and cultural, educational, and civic opportunities.

(3) Baltimore City offers an array of cultural, educational, and civic opportunities meant to be accessible to all members of our community.

(4) Transgender and gender non-conforming individuals may have particular challenges in obtaining identification cards that reflect their gender identity, due to stigma and burdensome administrative policies for changing gender on other identification documents. This increases the likelihood they will experience discrimination in seeking employment or housing or otherwise participating in cultural or civic life.

(b) Legislative intent.

It is the intent of the Mayor and City Council in adopting this subtitle to:

(1) build Baltimore's standing as a welcoming and inclusive center for all residents, without regard to a person's race, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or immigration, housing, or financial status;

(2) provide a municipal identification card that will affirm the gender identity and resident status of all Baltimore City residents by allowing applicants to obtain identification that reflects their gender identity, regardless of assigned birth sex or gender designation on previously-issued identity documents;

(3) expand access and incorporate more members of Baltimore's diverse community into the rich fabric of civic life; and

(4) preserve the safety and privacy of all Baltimore City residents by ensuring that personal data gathered during the municipal identification application process is destroyed or maintained confidentially.

(c) No expansion of identification requirements.

(1) By authorizing the creation of a municipal identification card program, the Mayor and City Council do not intend to expand identification requirements for access to basic services or exercise of constitutional rights.

(2) The program created by this subtitle is not to be used to require individuals to produce government-issued identification to access services and benefits where government-issued identification was not previously required, such as when registering to vote, casting a ballot, or accessing certain government buildings.