City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 40-14. Violations to which subtitle applies.

(a) In general.

The jurisdiction and authority of the Board extends to each of the provisions of the Baltimore City Code that are specified in subsection (e) of this section, as those provisions may be amended from time to time, including any rules and regulations adopted under them from time to time.

(b) Prepayable fines.

(1) The basic prepayable civil fine for violation of a provision is as specified next to the listing of that provision in subsection (e) of this section.

(2) The basic prepayable fine is doubled, however, on any environmental citation that is issued to a person if, within the past 12 months:

(i) a final order of the Board, whether issued on hearing, on default, or otherwise, imposed a penalty on that person for a violation of the same provision; or

(ii) that person prepaid an environmental citation for a violation of the same provision.

(c) Continuing violations.

(1) If a provision of law provides that the continuation or recurrence of a violation constitutes a separate offense, a separate environmental citation may be issued for each separate offense.

(2) The payment of a penalty under this subtitle does not relieve the offender of the duty to fully abate and correct any continuing violation or other unlawful act.

(d) Prior notice not required.

Notwithstanding any other provision of the City Code to the contrary, notice need not be given before issuance and enforcement of an environmental citation for any of the provisions listed in subsection (e) of this section.

(e) Provisions and penalties enumerated.

(.5) Article 2. Consumer Protections

Subtitle 16. Ticket Sales - Charges by Operators and Agents $750
Subtitle 17. Ticket Sales – Ticket Purchasing Software $750

(.5a) Article 5. Finance, Property, and Procurement

Subtitle 11. Fair Election Fund $500
Subtitle 26A. Labor Trafficking Notice Requirements $50

(.5b) Article 7. Natural Resources

Division I. Floodplain Management $500
Division VI. Miscellaneous
Subtitle 62. Plastic Bag Reduction
1st offense $250
2nd offense in same 6-month period $500
3rd or subsequent offense in same 6-month period $1,000

(1) Article 13. Housing and Urban Renewal

Subtitle 4. Registration of Non-Owner-Occupied Dwellings, Rooming Houses, and Vacant Structures
Non-owner-occupied dwelling units $100
Rooming houses $100
Vacant structures $500
Subtitle 5. Licensing of Rental Dwellings
§ 5-4. License required $1,000
§ 5-15. {Offenses there listed as cause for} Denial, suspension, or revocation of license $750
All other provisions $500
Subtitle 8. Rent Increases $1,000

(2) Article 15. Licensing and Regulation

Subtitle 12. Commercial Parking Facilities $1,000
Subtitle 13. Special-Event Parking Lots $750
Subtitle 17. Street Vendors $500
Subtitle 21. Third-Party Food Delivery Platform $1,000
Subtitle 42. Human Trafficking Notice Requirements
1st offense $500
Subsequent offense $1,000
Subtitle 42A. Temporary Shelter Human Trafficking Notice Requirements $50
Subtitle 43. Public Restrooms $100
Subtitle 48. Short-Term Residential Rentals
§ 48-6. License required {for host} $500
§ 48-16. {Operational requirements for} hosting platforms $1,000
§ 48-21. {Offenses there listed as cause for} denial, suspension, or revocation of license $500
All other provisions $250

(3) Article 19. Police Ordinances

§ 1-2. Placement {of advertising circulars} without permission
1st offense $50
2nd offense $100
3rd or subsequent offense $500
§ 7-2. Vehicle alarms: Prohibited devices $100
Subtitle 8. Burglar Alarms - Registration and Regulation
§ 8-8. False alarm fees.
Failure to pay-
Residential users $100
Non-residential users $500
All other provisions.
Users $100
Contractors, Monitors, Others $500
§ 14-2. Drinking or possessing open containers in public places – In general $250
§ 14-3. Drinking or possessing open containers in public places – Parents or guardians of minors $150
§ 32-3. Sales to minors [in proximity to liquor stores] $500
§ 32-4. Inducing minor to purchase $500
§ 32-5. False representation by minor
1st offense $50
2nd or subsequent offense $150
§ 41-2. Outdoor telephones: Prohibited placement $500
§ 45-2. Signs on or affecting public property: Posting prohibited $500
§ 50-1. Obstructing street: racing or stunt driving $1,000
§ 50-2. Obstructing street, etc., or gutter $50
§ 50-3. Merchandise projecting from building $50
§ 51-2. Compliance with park rules
1st offense $250
2nd offense $500
3rd or subsequent offense $1,000

(4) Article 23. Sanitation

§ 2-1. Mixed refuse: Receptacles
Residential properties $50
Commercial properties $100
§ 2-2. Mixed refuse: Handling
Residential properties $50
Commercial properties $100
§ 4-1 or § 4-2. Receptacles on collection days
Residential properties $50
Commercial properties $100

(4a) Article 24. Water

§ 21-1. Rules and regulations {to protect water supply and facilities}
Watershed Regulations
Polluting or depositing trash, etc., in reservoir waters or tributaries $500
Trespassing or otherwise entering or traversing property in violation of rule or regulation $150
Boating without a required permit or otherwise in violation of rule or regulation $100
Hunting without a required permit or otherwise in violation of rule or regulation $100
Fishing without a required permit or otherwise in violation of rule or regulation $60
Other recreational activity (horseback riding, bicycling, picnicking, etc.) in violation of rule or regulation $60
Smoking except where expressly allowed $75
All other violations $100
All other rules and regulations of Department to protect water supply and facilities $250
§ 21-2. Suspension, etc., of certain uses $100
§ 21-3. Injuring fire hydrants $250
§ 21-4. Wrongful use after cut-off $150
§ 21-5. Refusal of entry $100
§ 21-6. Interference with equipment; illegal use of water $500

(4b) Article 26. Surveys, Streets, and Highways

Subtitle 6. Building Address Numbers $25
Subtitle 23. Underground Conduit System $1,000

(5a) Article 31. Transit and Traffic

Subtitle 14. Valet Parking
Part II. Valet Operator's License
§ 14-7. License required
1st offense $500
2nd or subsequent offense within 12 months of 1st $1,000
§ 14-8(c). Liability insurance {required}
1st offense $250
2nd or subsequent offense within 12 months of 1st $500
Part III. Valet Parking Zone Permit
§ 14-16. Permit required
1st offense $500
2nd or subsequent offense within 12 months of 1st $1,000
Part IV. Standards of Operation
§ 14-31. Licensed operator {required}
1st offense $250
2nd or subsequent offense within 12 months of 1st $500
§ 14-32. {Authorized} locations and hours
1st offense $200
2nd or subsequent offense within 12 months of 1st $400
§ 14-33. {Required, prohibited uses of} valet parking zones
1st offense $250
2nd or subsequent offense within 12 months of 1st $500
§ 14-34(a). Attendants' qualifications
1st offense $200
2nd or subsequent offense within 12 months of 1st $400
§ 14-35. Transporting and parking vehicles
1st offense $250
2nd or subsequent offense within 12 months of 1st $500
§ 14-36. {Required} signage
1st offense $100
2nd or subsequent offense within 12 months of 1st $200
§ 14-37. Permit and operator's license {available for} inspection
1st offense $100
2nd or subsequent offense within 12 months of 1st $200
§ 14-41(3). Operators: Providing valet services in way that endangers public safety
1st offense $500
2nd or subsequent offense within 12 months of 1st $1,000
§ 14-41(4). Operators: Providing valet services that unreasonably disrupt vehicular or pedestrian traffic
1st offense $500
2nd or subsequent offense within 12 months of 1st $1,000
§ 14-42(3). Hosts: Providing or allowing valet services in way that endangers public safety
1st offense $500
2nd or subsequent offense within 12 months of 1st $1,000
§ 14-42(4). Hosts: Providing or allowing valet services that unreasonably disrupt vehicular or pedestrian traffic
1st offense $500
2nd or subsequent offense within 12 months of 1st $1,000
§ 14-43. Any other violation that is cause for suspending or revoking a license or permit
1st offense $150
2nd or subsequent offense within 12 months of 1st $300
Subtitle 16. Use-of-the-Road Regulations
§ 16-12. Vehicles on sidewalks $50
Subtitle 38. Dockless Vehicles
§ 38-7(b)(2). Exceeding the maximum number or type of dockless vehicles permitted to operate $1,000
§ 38-8(a). Operating a dockless-vehicle-for-hire business without a permit $1,000
§ 38-12. Failure of provider to provide required data or reports $1,000
§ 38-15. Failure of provider to notify of data breach $1,000
§ 38-18. Unlawful operation of e-bike or e-scooter $20
§ 38-19. Unlawful parking of dockless vehicle $20
§ 38-21. Display of advertisements on dockless vehicles $1,000
§ 38-22. Provider operational responsibilities:
Item (1). Failure to maintain 24-hour customer service phone support $1,000
Item (2). Failure to remove dockless vehicles from public rights-of-way between dusk and dawn, as determined in rules and regulations $500
Item (3). Failure to ensure that dockless vehicles are parked as required by law, rule, or regulation $500
Item (4). Failure to remove or reposition illegally parked dockless vehicles within required time $500
Item (5). Failure to ensure that dockless vehicles adhere to national safety standards $1,000
Item (6). Failure to ensure that provider operations adhere to equitable access requirements $1,000
Item (7). Failure to comply with any other requirement established by the Director $1,000

(5b) Article 32. Zoning

§ 19-101. Prohibited Conduct $500

(5c) Building, Fire, and Related Codes Article – Building Code

§ 105.11. Post-work proof of disposal $1,000
§ 114.14. Work without permit $500
§ 115.3. Stop-work order: Unlawful continuance $500
§ 123.8. Failure to comply with notice or citation
Unsafe structures {§ 116} $1,000
Vacant building unsecured {§ 116.3} $1,000
Vacant building with high grass and weeds {§ 116.4.3(3)(c)} $1,000
Vacant building with roof damage {§ 116.4.3(3)(d)} $1,000
Condemnation proceedings {§ 120} $500
All other notices (excluding citations) $250
Subsequent Citation - Unsafe Structure - Additional Fine - Subsequent Offense within 12 months {§ 123.8.4} $1,000
§ 1210.4 Diaper-Changing Amenities $500
§ 1504.9 Performance requirements $1,000
§ 3302.2. Construction Safeguards: Waste and debris $250
§ 3808. Traffic-Mitigation Enforcement $1,000

(6) Building, Fire, and Related Codes ArticleFire Code

§ 108.6. Maintenance: Overcrowding
1-99 persons over capacity $250
100-199 persons over capacity $500
200 or more persons over capacity $1,000
§ 918.4 Telephone Access to City's 9-1-1 System: General
1st offense $100
2nd and subsequent offenses $200
§ 111.1 Unsafe buildings: General $250
§ 1001.2. Means of Egress: Minimum requirements $250

(6a) Building, Fire, and Related Codes Article

Property Maintenance Code

Chapter 3. General Requirements
§ 305.5.1. Motor vehicles and trailers: Registered owner responsible $150
All other provisions
Residential properties $50
Commercial properties $100

(6b) Building, Fire, and Related Codes Article

International Residential Code

§ 905.18 Reflectance $1,000

(7) Health Code

Title 3: Health Facilities
Subtitle 5: Limited-Service Pregnancy Centers $150
Title 4: Disease Control
Subtitle 6: Screening for Lead Poisoning
§ 4-601. Parental Responsibility $100
Title 5: Nuisance Control
Subtitle 2: Nuisance Abatement
§ 5-210. Abatement notice $100
Subtitle 4: Lead-Based Paint $100
Subtitle 5: Bodily Wastes
§ 5-501. Spitting $100
§ 5-503. Urinating, etc. - In general $500
§ 5-504. Urinating, etc. - Parents $150
Subtitle 7: Weeds $50
Title 6: Food Service Facilities
Subtitle 2: License Required
§ 6-201. In general $300
Subtitle 5: Miscellaneous Regulations
§ 6-506. Litter and rubbish prohibited $200
§ 6-508. Polystyrene foam products $200
All other provisions $100
Title 7: Waste Control
Subtitle 2: Solid Waste Collection $100
Subtitle 4: Landfills $200
Subtitle 6: Prohibited Disposal $1,000
Subtitle 7: Littering $500
Title 8: Air Pollution $100
Subtitle 3: Gas-Powered Debris Removal Equipment
§ 8-303. Prohibition of gas-powered debris removal equipment
Subsequent offense $250
Title 9: Noise Regulation
Subtitle 2: Basic Sound Level Standards $100
Subtitle 3: Entertainment and Commercial Noise $50
Subtitle 4: Amplified Sounds in Market Center $50
Title 10: Animal Control and Protection
Subtitle 1: General Provisions
§ 10-112. Obstructing, etc., officer; False Statements $500
Subtitle 2: Licensing
Part I. Dog and Cat Licenses $100
Part II. Facility Licenses
Animal fanciers $100
All other facilities $250
Subtitle 3: General Care and Control
§ 10-301. Rabies – Vaccinations $250
§ 10-302. Rabies – Possible exposure $250
§ 10-303. Humane care required $500
§ 10-307. Restraints required
1st offense $200
2nd offense within 12 months of 1st $400
3rd offense within 12 months of 1st $600
§ 10-313. Animal waste $200
All other provisions $1,000
Subtitle 4: Animal Protection $1,000
Subtitle 5: Public Nuisance Animals $200
Subtitle 6: Wild Animals, etc.; Prohibited Animals $500
Subtitle 7: Attack Dogs; Dangerous and Vicious Animals
§ 10-701. Attack dogs $1,000
§ 10-702. Dangerous animals $250
§ 10-706. Vicious animals – Keeping prohibited $1,000
Subtitle 9: Horse Riding and Driving
§ 10-918. Sick or injured horses $1,000
All other provisions $200
Title 11: Swimming Pools
Subtitle 3: Public Swimming Pools $200
Title 12: Tobacco Products and Smoking Devices
Subtitle 1: Indoor Smoking
Person smoking
Employer, other person in charge $750
Subtitle 2: Sale of Unpackaged Cigarettes $500
Subtitle 4: Placement of Tobacco Products and Smoking Devices
Subtitle 5: Unlawful Distribution $500
Subtitle 6: Flavored Tobacco Wrappings $500
Subtitle 7: Mobile Vendors $500
Subtitle 8: Smoking Near Playgrounds $500
Subtitle 9: Nicotine Replacement Therapy Products $100
Subtitle 10: Tobacco Product Use in Stadiums
Non-professional sporting event $50
Professional sporting event $500
Title 15: Ephedrine Products
Subtitle 2: Distribution to Minors $500
Subtitle 3: Product Placement $500
Title 16: Psychoactive Substances
Subtitle 2: Prohibited Conduct $1,000
Title 19: Pesticides $250