§ 41-11. Adjudication by District Court.
(a) In general.
(1) This section applies to proceedings in the District Court to enforce a civil citation issued under this subtitle.
(2) Adjudication of a civil citation is not a criminal proceeding, and a finding of guilty does not impose any civil disability ordinarily imposed by a criminal conviction.
(b) Burden of proof.
Except in the case of a default under § 41-10 of this subtitle, the City has the burden to prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the defendant has committed the offense charged.
(c) Right to counsel.
The defendant may be represented by counsel of her or his own choice, at her or his own expense.
(d) Plea.
The defendant shall enter a plea of "guilty" or "not guilty".
(e) Testimony, etc.
The defendant may:
(1) testify on his or her own behalf;
(2) produce evidence and witnesses in his or her own behalf; and
(3) cross-examine witnesses who testify against the defendant.
(f) Verdict.
(1) The court shall issue a verdict of "guilty" or "not guilty" of the offense charged.
(2) If the court finds the defendant guilty, the court may:
(i) impose on the defendant the fine and, if applicable, default penalty prescribed;
(ii) impose court costs on the defendant; and
(iii) suspend or defer payment of a fine or penalty under conditions, including the performance of community service, that the court sets.