§ 61-1. Definitions.
(a) In General.
In this subtitle, the following terms have the meanings indicated.
(b) Analysis.
"Analysis" means the act of studying or examining something in detail.
(c) Analytics.
"Analytics" means the systematic computational analysis of data or statistics.
(d) CitiStat meeting.
"CitiStat meeting" means a monthly meeting between the CitiStat Program and a principal agency wherein the attending principal agency reports data and statistics that may be used to inform performance measures and policy initiatives.
(e) CitiStat process.
"CitiStat process" means a system of applying insight gained from data analytics and analysis to management decisions within a principal agency.
(f) Continuous improvement processes
"Continuous improvement processes" means an ongoing effort to better principal agency services and procedures.
(g) Director.
"Director" means the Director of the Baltimore City CitiStat Program.
(h) Data-driven officer.
"Data-driven officer" means a person using data and analysis to drive performance in a principal agency.
(i) Data-Driven Program.
"Data-Driven Program" means a comprehensive data analysis and performance management program for the City that includes:
(1) performance management agreements;
(2) the CitiStat process; and
(3) an innovation lab.
(j) Data science.
"Data science" means the study of data with the intention of extrapolating knowledge or insights.
(k) Innovation lab.
"Innovation lab" means a team of people focused on addressing issues identified through the CitiStat process.
(l) CitiStat meeting.
"CitiStat meeting" means a monthly meeting between the Program and a principal agency wherein the attending principal agency reports relevant data and statistics that may be used to inform performance measures and policy initiatives.
(m) CitiStat memorandum.
"CitiStat memorandum" means a memorandum detailing the key issues relevant to a CitiStat meeting that includes:
(1) data;
(2) any follow-up responses from a previous CitiStat meeting.
(n) Performance.
"Performance" means the action or process of accomplishing a principal agency action, task, or function.
(o) Performance management.
"Performance management" means the process of supporting or improving City agency performance through the use of tools including:
(1) assessments;
(2) employee counseling; and
(3) continuous feedback.
(p) Performance management plan.
"Performance management plan" means an agreement between a principal agency and the Program that establishes outcomes and performance expectations for the agency.
(q) Principal agency.
"Principal agency" means any of the following City executive departments:
(1) Fire Department;
(2) Department of Finance;
(3) Department of General Services;
(4) Health Department;
(5) Department of Housing and Community Development;
(6) Police Department;
(7) Department of Public Works;
(8) Department of Recreation and Parks; and
(9) Department of Transportation.
(r) Process evaluation.
"Process evaluation" means an assessment of whether principal agency program activities have been implemented as intended and whether certain results were achieved.
(s) Program.
"Program" means the Baltimor City CitiStat Program.
(t) Program management.
"Program management" means the oversight of a program's process and progress toward an established goal.
(u) Public policy.
"Public policy" means a system of laws, regulatory measures, courses of action, and funding priorities related to a given topic that are promulgated by a governmental entity or its representatives.