City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 1-11. Anchorage No. 7 (Quarantine Anchorage).

(a) Location.

Located in the area west of Fort McHenry Channel and south of Curtis Bay Channel, and bounded by the western and southern edges respectively of those channels and lines between the following points:

1. 4,775 feet, 302°-00' true from Fort Carroll Light.

2. Buoy C1 — 5,450 feet, 297°-15' true from Fort Carroll Light.

3. W. Spar Buoy A — 2,575 feet, 263°-30' true from Fort Carroll Light.

4. Buoy 5M — 1,730 feet, 258°-46' true from Fort Carroll Light.

(b) Restrictions.

(1) This anchorage is to be used only by vessels waiting quarantine inspection.

(2) Special permits for use of the lower part of the anchorage for explosive loading of vessels exceeding 20 feet in draft may be issued in extraordinary cases.