City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 1-5. Anchorage No. 1 (Fort McHenry).

(a) Location.

This anchorage is in the area bounded by lines drawn through the following points:

1. 3,300 feet, 164°-30' true from Lazaretto Point Light.

2. 3,500 feet, 170°-30' true from Lazaretto Point Light.

3. White Spar Buoy B — 5,900 feet, 158°-15' true from Lazaretto Point Light.

4. Buoy 17M — 6,800 feet, 152°-15' true from Lazaretto Point Light.

(b) Restrictions.

(1) This anchorage is to be used only as an overnight anchorage for vessels waiting to go to piers.

(2) No vessel may remain on this anchorage more than 12 hours without a permit from the Harbor Engineer.