City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 3-4. Pierhead Line and Port Warden Line modified.

(a) In general.

The existing City Pierhead Line and the existing City Port Warden Line, in the vicinity of Boston Street and Clinton Street, are hereby changed by:

(1) abolishing the existing City Port Warden Line from a point designated "A" to a point designated "1" and from a point designated "13" to a point designated "H",

(2) abolishing the existing City Pierhead Line from said point designated "A" to a point designated "H", and

(3) establishing a new City Pierhead Line from said point designated "A" to a point designated "XXIIIA",

so as to make said new City Pierhead Line coincide with the proposed new modified Pierhead Line of the United States Government as approved conditionally by the Secretary of War on December 5, 1946, between a point designated "37" and said point designated "XXIIIA".

(b) Plats.

All of said existing and proposed Port Warden, Pier and Bulkhead Lines, and all of the points designated in this section, are shown on a plat entitled "City of Baltimore, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Plans and Surveys, Plat Showing Pierhead, Bulkhead and Port Warden Lines in the Vicinity of Boston St. and Clinton St. extending from Linwood Ave. Easterly and Southerly to U. S. Army Engineers Harbor Station XXIIA", numbered 263A-5 and dated March 20, 1947, attached hereto and made in all respects a part hereof.

(c) Description.

Said new City Pierhead Line being particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a point "A" on the City's existing Pierhead and Port Warden Lines as established by Ordinance No. 83, approved May 17, 1881, where said combined line intersects the east building line of Linwood Avenue, if extended southerly, and running thence S. 15 degrees 24 minutes 00 second W. about 140 feet to point 29, thence S. 76 degrees 34 minutes 25.4 seconds E. 383.01 feet and coincident with United States Government's Pier and Bulkhead Line as established by the United States Army Engineers in 1917 to point 30, thence N. 32 degrees 23 minutes 20 seconds E. 26.94 feet to point 31, thence N. 87 degrees 08 minutes 20 seconds E. 433.88 feet to point 32, thence N. 32 degrees 23 minutes 20 seconds E. 432.292 feet to point 33 on the existing City Bulkhead Line, thence by the two following courses and distances and coincident with the said City Bulkhead Line S. 81 degrees 37 minutes 30 seconds E. 375.36 feet to point 7 and S. 04 degrees 30 minutes 10 seconds E. 60.64 feet to point 34, thence S. 87 degrees 00 minutes 20 seconds W. 265.29 feet to point 35, thence S. 32 degrees 23 minutes 20 seconds W. 482.53 feet to point 36, thence S. 87 degrees 08 minutes 20 seconds W. 121.22 feet to point 37 on the aforesaid proposed modified United States Government Pierhead Line, thence by the four following courses and distances and coincident with the said proposed new modified Government Pierhead Line, S. 02 degrees 36 minutes 29.6 seconds E. 3542.5 feet to point 21, S. 08 degrees 38 minutes 27.6 seconds E. 1243.26 feet to point 22, S. 15 degrees 23 minutes 21.6 seconds E. 554.83 feet to point 23, and S. 57 degrees 54 minutes 56.6 seconds E. 618.69 feet to point XXIIIA.