§ 5-4. Permit needed for structures.
(a) In general.
No shed, building, office, tally-house, booth, or stand shall be erected, nor shall any derrick, hoisting mast, coal hopper, sign, or advertising device, or obstruction of any kind be placed or maintained on any pier, bulkhead, marginal street, quay, or wharf structure, nor upon any reclaimed land, without a written permit from the Harbor Engineer.
(b) Penalties.
If the owner, lessee, occupant, or agent of said wharf property or land, shall place or permit the erection, placing, or maintaining of any erection or any structure without such permit from the Harbor Engineer then for failure to remove same:
(1) said owner, lessee, occupant, or agent shall be subject to a fine not exceeding $200, in addition to all damages for each and every violation of this section; and
(2) the Harbor Engineer is hereby empowered to remove forthwith, at the expense of the person violating this section, the structure or obstruction complained of.