§ 6-9. Removal of obstructions.
(a) In general.
(1) The Harbor Engineer shall:
(i) have secured or removed all obstructions to navigation that may be found drifting about, or otherwise obstructing navigation; and
(ii) notify the owner or agent of same that the said obstruction has been so secured or removed and held at his expense.
(2) If not claimed within 10 days:
(i) the Harbor Engineer shall sell the same; and
(ii) any balance after the expense of securing or removing same has been paid, shall be held by the Director of Finance to be paid to the owner if claimed within 12 months.
(b) Penalties.
Any person who shall cast loose, set adrift or place any object likely to become a nuisance or an obstruction to navigation shall pay a fine not exceeding $200.