§ 7-16. Cars of explosives — car floats or barges.
(a) Immediate conveyance.
Barges or floats on which there are cars carrying explosives shall be immediately conveyed to the vessel into which the explosives are to be loaded, and care must be taken that only as many cars as can ordinarily be transferred to the vessel during that day shall be placed on the car float or barge.
(b) If not unloaded by sundown.
(1) If, for any unexpected reason, it is seen to be impossible to transfer all of the explosives on the car float into the vessel before sundown, the car float or barge shall be withdrawn from the vessel to a safe anchorage and carefully made fast.
(2) If the car float is not properly equipped with anchors, hawsers, etc., and cannot be safely anchored, a tug shall remain in attendance and a watchman be kept on the car float or barge until the following morning or until unloading is resumed.
(c) Red flags and lights.
Car floats or barges having aboard cars containing explosives shall fly at each end of the float, not less than 15 feet above the deck, a red flag of not less than 20 square feet surface. Red lights shall be substituted for the flags if the barge or car float remains in the anchorage after sundown.