City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 15-11. Complaint to Community Relations Commission.

(a) Complaint authorized.

(1) Any person aggrieved by an alleged violation of this subtitle may file a complaint with the Baltimore Community Relations Commission.

(2) The complaint shall be filed, investigated, and heard in the same manner as that provided in City Code Article 4 {"Community Relations"}, Subtitle 4 {"Enforcement"}, for alleged violations of that article's unlawful discriminatory employment practices.

(b) Decision and order.

In its decision and order, the Commission may award the aggrieved person:

(1) back pay for lost wages caused by the violation of this subtitle;

(2) reinstatement;

(3) compensatory damages, which may include:

(i) compensation for humiliation, embarrassment, and emotional distress; and

(ii) expenses incurred in seeking other employment; and

(4) reasonable attorney's fees.