§ 3-3. Overtime pay required.
(a) In general.
Every employer shall pay each of its employees, for all hours worked in excess of 40 during any work week, at a rate which is 1½ times the employee's usual hourly wage rate, except that no employer will be liable for overtime pay to an employee under this section to a greater extent than it is liable to such employee under the Maryland Wage and Hour Law (Title 3, Subtitle 4 of the State Labor and Employment Article) or the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (29 U.S.C. §§ 201 - 219).
(b) Governing standards.
(1) Except that any gross receipts dollar volume limitation to coverage contained in the Maryland Wage and Hour Law or the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act will not be applicable hereunder.
(2) For purposes of this section, an employee's "usual hourly wage rate" and "work week" shall be determined under the provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act unless his employer is not subject to that Act, in which case such determinations shall be made under the provisions of the Minimum Wage Act of the State of Maryland.
(c) Violations.
It shall be a violation of this Division I for any employer to pay any employee a wage below the minimum overtime wage set forth herein, and it shall be deemed a separate violation each work week an employee is not paid the wage required by this Division I at the time the employee is entitled to be paid.