§ 6-2. Service fees.
(a) Contract may authorize.
A memorandum of understanding executed between the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and any employee organization certified as the exclusive representative of employees in a designated unit may contain a provision whereby all employees who elect not to join, or remain members of, the employee organization certified in their respective bargaining unit, unless otherwise indicated in the Fiscal Year 1996 Memorandum of Understanding applicable to their bargaining unit, shall be required, as a condition of employment, to pay a service fee to the certified employee organization during the period that said employee organization retains its certification, in an amount not to exceed the then current employee organization dues in order to defray the costs incurred by the said certified employee organization in the negotiation, administration, and implementation of the terms of the memorandum of understanding, and all modifications and amendments thereto, including related proceedings before an Impasse Panel or arbitrators; in the processing of grievances; in the conduct of disciplinary proceedings and in the appeal thereof; in the protection and improvement of civil service rights; and in any and all other proceedings and matters for which the employee organization is the employees' exclusive representative as a result of its certification.
(b) Payroll deduction.
The service fees authorized by this section shall be deducted from employees' pay without their written authorization.