City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 16-2. Registration of appliances.

(a) Applications.

(1) Application shall be made to the Commissioner of Housing and Community Development of Baltimore City and the applicant shall furnish such information and certificates and cause such tests to be conducted as may be required by the Commissioner to secure proper registration and identification of any appliance, accessory, equipment, sample or model thereof; and before such application shall be approved by the Commissioner he shall determine whether such appliance, accessory, equipment, sample or model thereof described therein conforms to the rules and regulations and specifications hereinafter provided for in § 16-8(a)(1) hereof.

(2) In connection with such application, the applicant shall file evidence satisfactory to the Commissioner that such appliance, accessory, equipment, sample or model thereof has been examined and tested and found to comply with the rules, regulations, specifications, and requirements as provided for in § 16-8(a)(1). The Commissioner shall not register the appliance, accessory, equipment, sample or model thereof described in said application, unless it shall appear that it conforms to said rules, regulations and specifications, and meets such tests as the Commissioner may prescribe.

(b) Identification.

All appliances, accessories or equipment shall bear an identification number or designation which may be the manufacturer's regular trade name and model number, and when applied for by such manufacturer, it shall be stated in the application for registration, provided that nothing contained in this ordinance shall be construed to apply to appliances, accessories or equipment used for strictly experimental purposes or for strictly industrial use as may be defined in the rules, regulations and specifications, as provided for in § 16-8(a)(1) hereof.

(c) Noncompliance.

If the Commissioner determines that the appliance, accessory or equipment described in any such application for registration does not conform to said rules, regulations and specifications, or if he is not satisfied with the application, he shall notify the applicant forthwith, stating his reasons therefor.