§ 6A-3. Right to counsel in eviction-related proceedings.
(a) In general.
(1) Subject to provisions of this subtitle, including any rules and regulations, and with the advice and consultation of the Commission, the Commissioner shall ensure that all covered individuals are offered legal representation from a designated organization in a covered proceeding as soon as practicable after the initiation of that proceeding, but no later than at the time of the covered individual's first scheduled appearance in a covered proceeding if possible.
(2) The Commissioner shall seek to prioritize the provision of legal representation based on median income with covered individuals having the lowest median income receiving the highest priority.
(b) Limitation.
Covered individuals shall receive legal representation unless circumstances specific to the individual or case, such as a conflict with the Maryland Attorneys' Rules of Professional Conduct, make legal representation infeasible to render.
(c) Engagement and education.
Subject to Article VI, § 11 of the City Charter regarding procurement, in addition to overseeing the administration of this subtitle, the Commissioner, with the advice and consultation of the Commission, may engage designated community groups to engage and educate tenants about their rights, through activities such as:
(1) hosting know-your-rights trainings and other workshops for tenants;
(2) distributing written information to tenants;
(3) assisting tenants to form and maintain tenant associations;
(4) referring tenants to designated community groups; and
(5) engaging in any other activity designed to engage, educate, or inform tenants about their rights.
(d) Availability of funds.
Legal representation under this section is subject to the appropriation of funds in accordance with the City Charter.