§ 10-4. Powers and functions of Authority.
(a) Powers.
To the greatest extent allowable by law, the Authority is and shall be deemed to be a special tax district, exercising only those powers as are provided for in this subtitle.
(b) Authorized actions.
(1) The Authority may acquire, hold, and use property as necessary to achieve its purposes, including:
(i) the acquisition by purchase, lease, use or other rights; and
(ii) the construction and installation of buildings and structures to further the mission of the Authority.
(2) The Authority may make a contract:
(i) to provide services for areas adjoining the District;
(ii) with an administrator who may or may not be an administrator for another benefits district in Baltimore City; and
(iii) with agencies of Baltimore City to provide permitted services within the District.
(3) The Authority may engage the services of an administrator (the "Administrator"), who may be an individual or an entity, including the Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore, Inc., but not limited to non-profit entities, to administer the programs and undertakings of the Authority.
(4) The Authority may sue and be sued. However, the District, the Authority, its Board of Directors, and its Administrator shall benefit, to the fullest extent allowable by law, from all provisions of federal, state, and local law limiting the liability of directors, employees, officers, agents, and officials of governmental bodies.
(5) The Authority may apply for and accept grants, donations, and voluntary contributions, whether in funds or property.
(6) The Authority may borrow funds for purposes consistent with the public purposes of the Authority and pledge some or all of its revenues in support of such borrowings. However, no borrowing may be for a term beyond the date for the District's renewal under § 10-16 of this subtitle.
(7) The Authority shall adopt an annual budget and impose, charge, and collect the taxes or charges on benefitted properties within the District, as authorized by City Charter Article II, § (63), and this subtitle; however, no taxes may be levied against properties that are exempt under state law from ordinary property taxes.
(8) The Authority may create and enter into partnerships between it and various property owners. These partnerships may provide for the provision of permitted services and benefits by the Authority in exchange for payments arranged by contract, donation, gift, services in kind, or other mechanism by which funds or benefits are provided to the Authority.
(9) The Authority may establish and elect officers not already provided for in this subtitle and provide for their terms and duties.
(10) The Authority may contract for and purchase goods and services, without having to comply with City requirements governing wage scales, competitive bidding, or other procurement matters. However, the Authority shall be subject to City ordinances and City policy requiring achievement of goals regarding minority and women's business enterprises.
(11) Subject to the approval of the Board of Estimates, the Authority may adopt, amend, and modify bylaws, consistent with City Charter Article II, § (63) and this subtitle.
(12) The Authority may implement its programs and goals directly through its employees or through 1 or more contracts. These contracts may be with independent contractors or contractual employees.
(13) The Authority may provide additional services beyond those generally provided within the District, to individual properties within or close to the District for a fee that fairly recovers for the Authority the cost of providing the services.
(14) The Authority may assist in the leasing, marketing, and promotional activities within the District, to the extent those activities are approved by the governing Board of the Authority.
(15) The Authority may appoint, hire, or engage auditors, accountants, attorneys, assistants, aides, employees, and advisors as it considers necessary for the proper performance of its duties, but consistent with this subtitle.
(16) The Authority may do all other things necessary or convenient to carry out its goals, objectives, and powers.