City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 11-9. Business Associations.

(a) Incorporation.

Upon the establishment of a Retail Business District, a Business Association of the District, comprised of the licensees, shall be incorporated under the laws of Maryland and a copy of its charter and by-laws shall be filed with the Commissioner.

(b) Bylaws.

The by-laws shall include, without limitation, membership requirements, procedures for calling meetings and voting on rates, budgets, and related matters.

(c) General responsibilities.

The Business Association is responsible for:

(1) conducting a management program to provide promotional services, which may include enhanced sanitation and public safety efforts, for the District; and

(2) administering the funds provided through the license fee procedure set forth in this subtitle.

(d) Annual reports to Commissioner.

On an annual basis, the Business Association representing the District shall file with the Commissioner:

(1) an annual budget setting forth projected expenditures for advertising, promotions, sanitation, public safety, and related activities and administrative expenses;

(2) any amendments to the charter or by-laws made during the preceding year; and

(3) a copy of an agreement between the Business Association and the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore specifying the intent of the Business Association to expend the funds transferred to that Retail Business District in accordance with the annual budget.