§ 19-3. Authority established.
(a) In general.
There is a South Baltimore Gateway Community Impact District Management Authority (the "Authority").
(b) Purpose.
The purpose of the Authority is to:
(1) provide the District with supplemental security, maintenance, sanitation, and other public services above and beyond those already provided by City government (the "enhanced services");
(2) disperse grants to local community and nonprofit organizations within the District (the "community grants");
(3) undertake transformational community development and economic development projects, designed to improve the quality of life and economic conditions within the District (the "transformational projects");
(4) implement the recommendations outlined in the South Baltimore Gateway Master Plan adopted by the Planning Commission in 2015, as that Plan may be modified or superseded from time to time by the Planning Commission; and
(5) provide other services and functions determined by the Board to be in the best interests of the District.
(c) Funding.
(1) In Fiscal Year 2017, the City shall fund the Authority at the amount appropriated in the Ordinance of Estimates for Fiscal Year 2017.
(2) Beginning in Fiscal Year 2018, the City shall fund the Authority with not less than 50% of the local impact grants that are distributed to the City under State Government Article § 9-1A-31(a)(1)(i).