City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 6-15. Election approval process.

(a) List of eligible voters.

The Board of Estimates, with the assistance of the interim Board, the Department of Finance, and the Supervisor of the Board of Elections, shall be responsible for compiling a list of those persons eligible to vote on the establishment of the District and on any question relating to its renewal.

(b) Eligibility criteria.

The following persons are eligible to vote subject to the limitations that no person may have more than 1 vote:

(1) owners of property within the District which is subject to tax under § 6-8;

(2) voters registered to vote within the District; and

(3) any current member of the Baltimore City Council.

(c) Election.

(1) A ballot shall be provided to each eligible voter regarding approval of the establishment of the District and the Authority consistent with this subtitle.

(2) Each ballot, with a certified signature of the eligible voter, shall be returned to the Board of Estimates, c/o the Comptroller's Office, within 30 days of the date specified on the ballot.

(d) Percentage approval.

(1) At the end of the election period, the Board of Estimates shall determine the aggregate votes cast by the eligible voters.

(2) If the Board of Estimates determines that at least 58% of the aggregate votes cast approved the establishment of the Authority, the Board of Estimates shall certify the Authority as approved for operation.