City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 11-1. Definitions.

(a) Board.

Board means the Board of Licenses for Massage Establishments.

(b) Massage.

"Massage" means the administration by any person of any method of exerting or applying pressure, friction, moisture, heat, or cold to the human body, or the rubbing, stroking, kneading, pounding, or tapping of the human body by any physical or mechanical means for any form of consideration.

(c) Massage establishment.

"Massage establishment" means any building, place, or operation wherein a massage is administered or permitted to be administered for any form of consideration.

(d) Massage therapist.

"Massage therapist" means an individual who has completed at least 500 hours of training at, and has received certification from, a school which has a massage training program approved by the Commissioner of Health and by a professional organization having the authority to approve massage training programs.

(e) Massagist.

"Massagist" means any person who administers a massage for any form of consideration.

(f) {Repealed}