City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 13-1. Definitions.

(a) In general.

In this subtitle, the following terms have the meanings indicated.

(b) Director.

"Director" means the Director of the Department of Finance of his or her designee.

(c) {Repealed}

(d) Parking lot.

"Parking lot" means any outdoor area or space for the parking, storage, housing, or keeping of 3 or more motor vehicles in exchange for a fee or other consideration.

(e) Person.

(1) In general.

"Person" has the meaning stated in § 1-107(a) {"Person: In general"} of the City Code's General Provisions Article.

(2) Inclusion of governmental entities.

Notwithstanding § 1-107(b) {"Person: Exclusion"} of the General Provisions Article, in this subtitle "person" also includes a governmental entity or an instrumentality or unit of a governmental entity.

(f) Special-Event Parking District.

"Special-Event Parking District" means the following area of the City:

Beginning at the intersection of Bush Street and the northbound side of Russell Street; from this point of beginning, binding northwesterly on the centerline of Bush Street for ~2,018 feet to intersect with W. Hamburg Street; then binding northeasterly on the centerline of W. Hamburg Street ~2,485 feet to the intersection with Scott Street; then turning north on the centerline of Scott Street for ~1,935 to the intersection with W. Pratt Street; following the centerline of W. Pratt Street for ~2,770 feet in an easterly direction to the intersection with S. Howard Street; then heading south on the centerline S. Howard Street for ~181 feet until the split; and then continuing south on the northbound centerline of S. Howard Street for another ~636 feet to the intersection with the westbound centerline of W. Conway Street; continuing east on the westbound centerline of W. Conway Street for ~1,238 feet to the northbound centerline of S. Charles Street; binding on the centerline of S. Charles Street for ~3,120 feet in a southerly direction to the intersection with W. West Street; then continuing west on said centerline for ~330 feet to the intersection with the street centerline of S. Hanover Street; heading south of S. Hanover Street for ~335 feet to intersect the centerline of E. Ostend Street; heading in a westerly direction on E. Ostend Street for ~706 feet to the extended western property line of Block 0975 Lot 002 (139 W. Ostend Street); following the western and southern property lines of 139 W. Ostend Street for a total of ~560 feet; continuing across Leadenhall Street to the southeastern corner of Block 0974 Lot 001 (175 W. Ostend Street); following the southern boundary of said property and extending to the centerline of S. Sharp Street for a total of ~494 feet; binding southwesterly on the centerline of S. Sharp Street for ~55 feet where is turns into Stockholm Street; then moving southeast ~7.5 feet to join the northwestern corner of Block 0987 Lot 001 (1800 Race Street) and follow this western property line [joins the eastern property line of Block 0985 Lot 002 (215 Stockholm Street)] for ~405 feet; extending from this same property line on an imaginary line into the Middle Branch; wrapping around the coastline for ~4200 feet and intersecting the point of beginning.

(g) Special-event parking lot.

"Special-event parking lot" means a parking lot that:

(1) is not otherwise licensed under Subtitle 12 {"Parking Facilities"} of this article;

(2) is located within the Special-Event Parking District;

(3) provides parking services to persons attending sporting, social, cultural, or other special events; and

(4) operates:

(i) only on days in which events are held at the Camden Yards Stadium Complex; and

(ii) for no more than 149 days in any license year.