§ 17-18. Applications.
(a) Form.
An application for a license must be made in the form that the Department of Transportation requires.
(b) Contents.
The application must contain:
(1) the applicant's name and address;
(2) the applicant's age;
(3) the type of merchandise or service for which the license is sought;
(4) the location or area for which the license is sought;
(5) for the sale of any food product, evidence that the applicant has obtained the appropriate license from the Health Department; and
(6) any other information that the Department of Transportation requires.
(c) Signature and verification.
(1) The application must be signed and verified before a notary public or other officer authorized to administer oaths.
(2) If the application is by a sole proprietorship, it must be signed by the owner; if by a partnership, it must be signed by an authorized partner; or, if by a corporation, limited liability company, or similar entity, it must be signed by an authorized officer.