§ 9-8. Posting and notice; Objections.
(a) Posting and notice required.
On filing an application for an initial license, the applicant must, in accordance with the Finance Department's rules and regulations:
(1) post the premises for 15 days; and
(2) within 5 days of the filing, send notice of the application by email or by certified or registered mail to the City Councilmember who represents the Councilmanic District in which the business is located.
(b) 9 or fewer objections.
(1) If, within the 15-day posting period, the Department receives no more than 9 written objections from real property owners, commercial tenants that are not themselves holders of or applicants for a late-night operations license, or residents within the impact area of the business, the Department must grant or deny the license within 15 days after the last day of the 15-day posting period.
(2) A denial must be based solely on one or more of the following factors:
(i) any cause for denial that is specified in § 9-16 {"Denial, suspension, or revocation"} of this subtitle;
(ii) the specific days and hours proposed for late-night operations;
(iii) the lack or inadequacy of an indoor and outdoor security plan; and
(iv) the inability or unwillingness of the applicant to accept reasonable conditions on the license to protect the public health, safety, and welfare
(3) The notice of a denial must:
(i) state the reasons for the denial; and
(ii) notify the applicant of the applicant's right to appeal to the Finance Director.
(4) Within 30 days of receiving the notice of denial, the applicant may appeal to the Finance Director for an administrative review of the application.
(c) 10 or more objections.
(1) If, within the 15-day posting period, the Department receives 10 or more written objections from real property owners, commercial tenants that are not themselves holders of or applicants for a late-night operations license, or residents within the impact area of the business, the Department must:
(i) deny the application; and
(ii) within 7 days after the last day of the 15-day posting period, notify the applicant of the denial and of the applicant's right to appeal to the Finance Director.
(2) Within 30 days of receiving the notice of denial, the applicant may appeal to the Finance Director for an administrative review of the application.