City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 1-3. Market boundaries.

(a) Belair Market.

(1) The limits of the Belair Market shall include the whole of the lots belonging to the City of Baltimore upon which the market buildings now stand, but in no case shall those limits extend to any portion of the street beds or sidewalks adjacent to or abutting upon said lots.

(2) The area between Ensor Street and Hillen Street, directly north of the market shed and being approximately 59 feet wide and extending approximately 114 feet on the east side and approximately 130 feet on the west side, is reserved as an area for the parking of motor vehicles, under the supervision of the Mayor.

(3) The area between Low Street and Orleans Street, directly south of the market shed and being approximately 61 feet wide and extending approximately 146 feet on the east side and 136 feet on the west side, is hereby reserved as an area or space for the parking of motor vehicles, under the supervision of the Mayor.

(b) Broadway (Fells Point) Market.

The limits of the Broadway (Fell's Point) Market shall include the whole of the lots belonging to the City of Baltimore upon which the market buildings now stand, but in no case shall those limits extend to any portion of the street beds or sidewalks adjacent to or abutting upon said lots.

(c) Centre (Wholesale Fish) Market.

The limits of the Wholesale Fish Market shall be as follows:

Beginning at the building line at the southeast corner of Swan Street and Market Place, following said line southerly to Water Street; thence following the building line on the north side of Water Street easterly to West Falls Avenue; thence following the building line on the west side of West Falls Avenue northerly to Swan Street; thence following the building line on the south side of Swan Street westerly to the place of beginning.

(d) Cross Street Market.

The limits of the Cross Street Market shall include the whole of the lot belonging to the City on which it stands.

(e) Hollins Market.

(1) The limits of the Hollins Market shall include the whole of the lot belonging to the City on which it stands, together with both sides and the bed of Hollins Street from Carrollton Avenue to the curb line of the west side of Arlington Avenue.

(2) The Mayor or his authorized agent is authorized to rent the building generally known as Hollins Market Hall for other than market purposes, upon such other terms and conditions as the Mayor or his authorized agent shall deem just and proper, the lease executed to be first approved by the Mayor.

(f) Lafayette Market.

The limits of the Lafayette Market shall include the whole of the lot belonging to the City on which it stands, and the parking area adjacent thereto.

(g) Northeast Market.

The limits of the Northeast Market shall comprise the whole of the lot belonging to the City and bounded by Monument, McElderry, and Chester Streets and Duncan Alley, and also the whole width of Monument Street from Chester Street to Duncan Alley, the whole width of Chester Street from Monument to McElderry Street, and the whole width of McElderry Street from Chester Street to Duncan Alley.