City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 1-17. Tuition for nonresidents.

(a) In general.

Children of non-resident parents or guardians may be admitted to said schools upon payment for tuition as prescribed in this section, subject to such rules as the Board of School Commissioners may from time to time prescribe, and subject always to the prior right of the children of residents of Baltimore to the use of said schools.

(b) Schedule of tuition fees.

The Board of Estimates is authorized and directed upon recommendation of the Board of School Commissioners to establish a scale of tuition fees and to change the same from time to time upon recommendation of the Board of School Commissioners.

(c) Waivers.

The Board of Estimates shall have power and authority upon recommendation of the Board of School Commissioners to waive tuition fees in any case where the said Board of Estimates shall find that the public interest and welfare will be promoted by such waiver.