City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 10-2. Powers of Commission.

(a) Construction of art museum.

Subject to all existing provisions of law, the Commission shall have general advisory and supervisory powers over the selection of a suitable site and the formulation of designs and plans for the construction of a building for the housing, care, and exhibition of works of art and the study thereof.

(b) Site to be approved by Board of Estimates.

Any site which may be selected by the Commission pursuant to the powers conferred by this subtitle shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Estimates.

(c) Preparation of designs and plans.

The selection of an architect and the adoption of designs and plans for the building shall be arranged by the Commission with the Architectural Commission in the manner provided by Article 5, Subtitle 29 of the City Code.

(d) Building construction.

When the plans and specifications are duly approved, the building shall be erected under the supervision of the Buildings Engineer, as provided by Article VII, § 31 of the City Charter.