§ 3-2. Appointments.
(a) Number.
For each academic year, the following appointments may be made for students to be educated by the Baltimore City Community College, free of tuition charge for 1 academic year (2 semesters):
(1) the Mayor may appoint a total of 5 full-time students;
(2) the President of the City Council and the Comptroller may each appoint a total of 3 full-time students; and
(3) each member of the City Council may appoint a total of 2 full-time students.
(b) Allocation.
For any of these appointments, the number of half-time students equivalent in terms of tuition may be substituted for a full-time student.
(c) Reappointments authorized.
Any appointment may be a new appointment or may be a reappointment, in the discretion of the appointing official.