City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 4-1. "Body studio" defined.

(a) In general.

A "body studio" is any premises upon which is furnished for a fee or charge or other like consideration the opportunity:

(1) to paint, massage, feel, handle, or touch the unclothed body or an unclothed portion of the body of another person;

(2) to be so painted, massaged, felt, handled, or touched by another person; or

(3) to observe, view, or photograph any such activity.

(b) Inclusions.

"Body studio" shall include any such premises:

(1) which is advertised or represented in any manner whatsoever as a "body painting studio", "model studio", "art studio", "sensitivity awareness studio", or any other expression or characterization which conveys the same or similar meaning; and

(2) which leads to the reasonable belief that there will be furnished on such premises for a fee or charge or other like consideration the opportunity:

(i) to paint, massage, feel, handle, or touch the unclothed body or an unclothed portion of the body of another person;

(ii) to be so painted, massaged, felt, handled, or touched by another person; or

(iii) to observe, view, or photograph any such activity.