§ 43-3. Nuisance abatement authorized.
(a) Commissioner's basic authority.
On determining that a public nuisance exists, the Commissioner may:
(1) order the discontinuance of the public nuisance in the premises where the public nuisance exists; or
(2) order the closing of the premises to the extent necessary to abate the nuisance.
(b) Limitations.
(1) Except as specified in paragraph (2) of this subsection, if the premises consists entirely of residential units or mixed residential and other use units, and the public nuisance has occurred solely within 1 or more residential units, abatement authority is restricted to the residential units in which the public nuisance has occurred, and does not extend to any other unit in the premises.
(2) The restrictions of paragraph (1) of this subsection do not apply to a public nuisance occurring in any:
(i) motel;
(ii) hotel; or
(iii) rooming house or rooming unit, as those terms are defined in the Zoning Code of Baltimore City.