§ 45-3. Removal of illegal signs.
(a) From City property – by Department.
For any sign posted in violation of § 45-2(1) through (6) of this subtitle, the Department of Housing and Community Development may:
(1) summarily remove the sign or make the appropriate referral to have the sign removed; or
(2) send written notice to the person responsible, as described in § 45-5 of this subtitle, ordering that person to remove the sign within the time specified in the notice.
(b) From City property – by others.
(1) For any sign posted in violation of § 45-2(1) through (6) of this subtitle, any individual may:
(i) summarily remove the sign; and
(ii) either:
(A) discard the sign in an appropriate manner; or
(B) submit the sign to the Department of Housing and Community Development for further enforcement proceedings.
(2) A submission to the Department of Housing and Community Development for further enforcement proceedings:
(i) must be accompanied by an affidavit, in the form and tenor required by the regulations adopted under § 45-4 of this subtitle, that describes the circumstances of the violation and removal; and
(ii) may designate a non-profit community or neighborhood association listed with the Department of Planning to share in any fines that might be collected in the matter.
(3) An association so designated is entitled to receive 50% of any fine collected under City Code Article 1, Subtitle 40 {"Environmental Control Board"} or Subtitle 41 {"Civil Citations"}.
(c) From public utility property.
For any sign posted in violation of § 45-2(7) of this subtitle:
(1) the public utility may summarily remove the sign; or
(2) the public utility or the Department of Housing and Community Development may send written notice to the person responsible, as described in § 45-5 of this subtitle, ordering that person to remove the sign within the time specified in the notice.