§ 52-2. Providing taxi services without license.
(a) Prohibited conduct.
It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit, offer to transport, or transport a passenger or passengers for hire in Baltimore City unless said person offering to transport shall be operating a vehicle duly authorized to perform taxicab services in Baltimore City under the authority of the Public Service Commission of Maryland.
(b) Scope of prohibition.
This section is intended to include as illegal:
(1) the operation of a licensed taxicab in Baltimore City from a jurisdiction other than Baltimore City, unless such transportation is a fare or the continuation of a fare originating in said other jurisdiction; and
(2) any use of a private vehicle to transport passengers for hire in performing taxicab services.
(c) Enforcement; penalties.
A police officer shall issue a citation to any violator of this section and said charge shall be deemed a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, said person shall be subject to a fine of not greater than $500 or to imprisonment for a period of not longer than 6 months, or to both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court.